Thursday, June 3

Parenting - A Two Person Job

As I said earlier, I am the head coach and my wife an assistant, but almost all the time my wife is more than the head coach as I just enjoyed watching every move of my child whereas my wife set a boundary to discipline the growing baby.

I believe no growing child or a college going teenager would give a slight thought about parenting, rather it’s all about partying, having fun, and securing a good job and a reliable partner. Parenting come the least as was my case. But, within a short span of time marriage and parenting is all you thought eat and sleep with without giving a hint of the commitment you had to jump into to begin a family or the amount of time you need to devote.

Teenage or yet to have a baby newly married women thought “Oh what a fun it would be to have a baby” not realizing playing with your little kid is not like playing with a doll. When reality strikes the unpreparedness leads the coach and assistant coach in bad mood and often quarrelling that leads the child suffer and turns a spoil brat in the end.

Was it really like the way we thought it would be, most probably “NO”?

Daddy made so many promises, mommy thought she get the best man in the world but until for sometime promises were broken, faiths have dwindle. No, I blame no one for those things happen all due to love with no experiences.

Parenting is certainly a two person job, one that is shared by both parents. It is an experience like no other, a joy shared by both; a pain bore by both as the child is the result of their love for each other and a bridge that connect the heart of both parents.

Discipline is the main issue of a growing child. Dad who calls himself the head coach is laid back and carefree not realizing every other day is too late to discipline the child. Of course, he set some rules to be followed and ask mom to take in charge.

True, rules are to be laid in order to discipline a child but we often see that those rules are not followed and neither the child behave properly as expected. The fact is, a command without love is like the sound of an empty vessel. Therefore, we need to train our children with love as it is a command from above.

Mom and dad have the same responsibility in their child upbringing and it is up to them how they want their child in the future. As a potter mould the clay while it is soft parents should mould their child when they are young so that they don’t regret when it is too late.

How do we mould them? Do we mould them to make us proud?

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