Friday, May 21

Parents train your child

I am not a celebrity
I am not a star
But, I am more than a celebrity and a star to my wife and my son. I am an all-round coach and my wife an assistant coach to our son. I have been trained by my parents in all aspect to be a respectable man though not I, but I am on my way.

The one verse my parents coach me when I was a child is “train your child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”.

You could never understand the love of your parents until your first child is born. You have to sing those lullabies that your parents sang to you when you were a child like yours, you had never ever given a thought about those lullabies, choruses and rhymes until the moment you had to perform yourself to stop your baby cry or put to sleep. You had forgotten the lines; you didn’t have such a soothing voice but still, you have to do it, you were like back to those kindergarten days or when your mom taught you choruses or your teacher performing action rhymes.

You got married just because you thought you are old enough and financially stable to run a family or simply because you are madly in love. But you hadn’t thought about changing the diapers of your baby, feeding him/her in the middle of the night. Maybe your parents hadn’t train you or you haven’t asked them before your baby is due. Do our parents train themselves or their parents taught them? OR do they have a better coach?
The question is, were you prepared for all this? Now you realized how much your parents had cared, how much they had trained you to be a complete man.
Imagine how much you had been loved, cared, taught, discipline, trained, you were brought up in the best possible manner your parents could afford. Most parents didn’t guide their kids how to write their first love letters, but parents teach their child how to build a happy home. We may not be perfect at the birth of our first child but I believe we would pick up the process day after day as the child grows as we had been trained.

I can’t express how happy I was when my wife gave birth to our first child; I jump outside the maternity ward, I can’t wait to see my wife and the little newborn child. She had a miscarriage before this which shocks me when the doctor showed us the ultrasonography result. The doctor advised us to take extra care if we need another baby or a proper bed rest to prevent from miscarriage as soon as she conceived. And, after fifteen months she is pregnant, for the whole nine months we were in and out of the hospital. But it’s worth the price and we have our first baby.

Two and a half kilograms is the weight of my baby, he’s so small, yet I want to feel him, touch him, feed him, and do anything that I can provide. Out of all those babies lying in the cradle I feel my baby is the best (I know every parents feels the same) and I am so proud to be a father. After two days in the hospital we are home.

Now, I am promoted to be the head coach.

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